Code contribution policy.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to SFDMU!

We welcome code contributions to SFDMU.

The following are a set of guidelines and suggestions to make it easier for you to contribute to SFDMU.

Please make your changes in the form of a fork, and bear in mind the following guidelines and suggestions:

  • Before starting to work, make sure to check our issue tracker for tickets regarding your suggested change. It's possible someone could have already reported your bug or suggestion, and it has been discussed in detail.

    If you have any doubts about whether your changes will be accepted, contact us in advance to avoid unnecessary time wastage.

  • We can only accept small cosmetic modifications to the SFDMU core code.

  • If you wish to propose any complex modifications which, in your opinion, can be helpful to other SFDMU users, let us know about your idea, and we will consider implementing this by modifying the SFDMU Core, or we will create a new Core Add-On Module using our Add-On Api Engine.

  • If you wish to extend SFDMU to perform any specific job for your personal business purpose, we suggest developing your Custom Add-On Module, attaching it locally on your side without opening a PR.

  • Each pull request should be submitted, including a detailed description of the change you want to make.

  • To submit your PR, please create a new feature branch from the "master" branch and modify it as needed.

  • Please ensure your changes comply with the latest SFDMU version and pass all necessary validations without conflicts.

  • Make sure you've thoroughly tested your code on your side before submitting the PR.

See also:

How to create pull requests using forked repositories:

Last updated on 13th Apr 2024